E-Market Database

-an export hub driven by innovation and investment-
BRISL identified that in 2019 imports from China to Sri Lanka was 20% from the total imports to the country, while the exports from Sri Lanka to China was as low as 2% from total Sri Lankan exports. The main reason for this was the lack of branding and product development at early stages. BRISL E-Market place allow all ‘Made in Sri Lanka’ products to be exposed to Chinese markets via digital and personal links between China and Sri Lanka.
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Six focus sectors for innovation and export diversification

Manufacturing sector in Sri Lanka is categorised as ‘visionary’ industries as boating shows an upcoming growth trend.

In the past 10 years, the Sri Lankan IT–BPM industry has expanded by 300% to reach US$1.2 billion in export revenue.

Processed food & Beverages
Processed food and beverages is a booming sector in Sri Lanka with high quality and have healthy characteristics.

Sri Lanka, the ‘Spice Island’, has always been renowned for its spices and its extracts or concentrates.

Wellness tourism
‘Wellness’ is a buzzword in the tourism sector and beyond. Being a global phenomenon, ‘wellness’ can come in many different forms.

The EEC sector is an up-and-coming sector for Sri Lanka, with the potential to stimulate innovation, R&D and investment in the country.
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